As a busy leader, how can you get more done?

How can you be more effective in less time?

Here’s a two-word solution: SKIP PERFECTION.

Get a project, a task, or an email to “good enough” place, and call it complete.

Submit that deliverable, and move on to the next task.

Because that frees up your time for the real work of leadership: spending time with people:

* Sharing a vision
* Inspiring action
* Giving feedback

My LinkedIn content creation journey is an exercise in skipping perfection.

In July and August, I posted daily as an experiment. More here:

Now I’m posting a few times a week, a more sustainable cadence.

What enables me to do this?

* Not overthinking or overdoing
* Considering the ROI of more effort
* Tapping “post” before I feel fully ready

Of course, this doesn’t mean doing sloppy work or abdicating responsibility.

It simply means asking: what is the true level of effort needed?

It may be much less than we think.

P.S. Perfection is a theme I’ve explored before: So it’s no surprise that this week I was drawn to the Hidden Brain podcast episode on “Escaping Perfectionism.” Psychologist Thomas Curran joined to talk about the dark side of perfection and better ways to walk through life. Highly recommended!