Can You Change in an Instant?


Is it possible to change in an instant?

Conventional wisdom says no. Change involves multiple steps. Change takes time. Change is hard.

Yet there is one thing you can change in a moment. What is it? Your mind.

You don’t need more than a moment to decide you will think in a different way. You will act in a different way. You will see the world in a different way.

Endlessly inspiring in this area is one of author Gretchen Rubin‘s “twelve commandments of happiness.”

Here it is . . .

Act the way you want to feel.”

Not feeling so good, physically, emotionally or spiritually? Start acting the way you’d rather feel.

If you want to feel happy, start acting that way. If you want to feel energetic, bring a bounce to your step. If you want to feel valued, start by appreciating someone else.

And if changing your life in an instant seems too far fetched, try these tips from Nicolas Cole for how you can improve your life the most in a single day.

His best advice?

“Be today who you want to be tomorrow.”

Who do you want to be tomorrow?

Just start acting as if you already are that person.

You Can Change


Could there be anything new about the growth mindset, first articulated by Stanford’s Carol Dweck?

As it turns out, yes.

People Won’t Grow If You Think They Can’t Change was a great post today in Harvard Business Review.

Written by Monique Valcour, the piece applies a growth mindset to how leaders view, interact with and influence the learning potential of their team members.

Did you ever work with a leader who saw more potential in you than you did at the time? Did you ever have have a team member with more potential than they saw in themselves? How did those scenarios turn out?

A good way to think about new frontiers or challenges is Dweck’s TED talk, The power of believing you can improve.

She opened with a story about a Chicago high school where students who didn’t pass a class got a mark of “not yet.” What did that do? It placed people on a learning curve into the future.

What’s your “not yet”?

Make Someone’s Day


Heading into Peet’s this morning for coffee, my mind was going a mile a minute thinking about the day ahead. Meetings to attend. Calls to make. Actions to complete.

An unexpected ray of sunshine brightened my morning as I approached the store. A fellow coffee aficionado I’d seen there from time to time shared a thoughtful compliment with me as I walked by.

Wow. It made me pause. It made me smile. It brought a whole new aura to my day.

It reminded me of some wise words from Tony Schwartz, writing about appreciation in Harvard Business Review. “Feeling genuinely appreciated lifts people up,” he wrote.

He was talking about the workplace specifically as he advocated looking for opportunities to notice what others are doing right and being appreciative for their contributions.

This could be a positive twist on “if you see something, say something.” If you observe someone doing something great, take the initiative to recognize them for it. It could be a member of your team, a community acquaintance or the person standing next to you in line.

You never know what a difference you could make in someone’s day.

A colleague of mine, Andy Bailey, role models this at work. “Start every meeting with recognition,” he says. There’s a transformative power in beginning with gatherings this way. People feel more valued, the tone of the meeting is lighter and the time together becomes more productive.

Scott Adams takes the concept further in How to Fail at Almost Everything and Still Win Big. “Adults are starved for a kind word,” Adams wrote. “When you understand the power of honest praise, you realize that withholding it borders on terminal. If you see something that impresses you, a decent respect to humanity insists you voice your praise.”

Hear, hear!

One Less Thing


Don’t you love a good paradox? Or what seems like a paradox?

In my April adventure I’ve been reminded of a few things.

First is that the key to establishing a new habit is to do it daily. That way it becomes automatic. It doesn’t require a great deal of thought or effort. On day 19 of my adventure, I’m almost at the magical 21 days to establish a habit. Except that science may tell us there isn’t anything special about that number after all.

The elements of my daily dozen that I’ve enjoyed most of all? Posting to this blog. Spending more time with family. Studying Spanish.

Second is that by attempting to do too much, not everything gets done particularly well. Now that I’ve experienced the power of multiple habit formation, I may set one area of focus for each month. One new habit at a time. Smaller, more manageable steps.

It reminds me of what Seth Godin said about N-1. He asks a powerful question. Rather than squeezing in one more thing, how much better could you do if you did one less thing?

What’s the Next Step?


Ever feel overwhelmed by a big project? How to scope it? Where to begin?

This is a great time to take a page from David Allen‘s playbook. The creator of Getting Things Done advises to note the next action that needs to be taken.

Because life really is a series of small steps that add up to big things. And somehow, that first action builds momentum for the next action, and the next and so on.

It reminds me of visiting a prospective middle school with my son. The science teacher wrote an acronym on the board: WTDWYDKWTD.

He asked who could tell us what it meant.


That’s what he said he was teaching his students to do.

Unfortunately, or perhaps not surprisingly, no hands went up in response.

It translated into “What To Do When You Don’t Know What To Do.”

What a brilliant concept. Because how many of us know exactly what to do, every moment of every day?

Often, though, we know a lot more than we give ourselves credit for. A few questions can help.

  • What is known about the situation?
  • What is the goal or the problem that needs to be solved?
  • Can that be related to a similar scenario?
  • What is unknown that would be helpful to know? How could that information be obtained?
  • Could a small pilot be conducted to test a theory at how to proceed?
  • Has someone faced a similar situation who could give helpful insight?
  • What is the worst thing that could happen? How could that be prevented or mitigated?
  • What is the best outcome? How could you make that happen?

Why Do You Work?


Why do you work? What motivates you each day? On this Sunday evening, what are you looking forward to on Monday morning?

Work gives our lives meaning. It lets us be part of something bigger than ourselves. It enables us to change the world and leave a legacy. It offers us a way to express and contribute our strongest gifts and talents.

This may be the reason that Why We Work jumped out at me on a recent visit to the “new releases” section of my local library. It’s a TED original book written by psychology professor Barry Schwartz.

Barry’s work on The Paradox of Choice was already familiar to me. I see his theory in everyday life – the fewer options we’re presented with, the easier it is to make a choice and feel that we made a good decision.

His pearls of wisdom about work?

  • “Virtually every job that people do can be made meaningful by focusing on the ways in which it improves the lives of customers, as long as it’s done right and done well.”
  • “You don’t need to be working for an organization that saves live to find meaning and purpose in what you do. You just need to be doing work that makes people’s lives better.”
  • “There really is no substitute for the integrity that inspires people to do good work because they want to do good work.”
  • “Often, if not always, people find themselves in work situations that allow them to find meaning and engagement, if they are willing to look for it.”

This reminded me of the millions of customers we serve at my current employer. In addition to entertaining the future, we are connecting people everywhere they live, work and play. That’s what I’m exited about.

Whatever you do, there is greater meaning and purpose beyond your job description. Barry uses the example of hospital custodians who saw their jobs as transcending the requirements to clean rooms. These people saw their jobs as an opportunity to comfort patients and families in their greatest moments of need.

Why do you work?

Aim High(er)


Do you have a plan for your life? Have you set the bar high enough? Are you enjoying the journey?

Before the quarter-life crisis had a name, I navigated through mine in my 20s. As a result, I wrote out goals for my life. And I created a snapshot of a perfect day in my life, 20 years into the future.

At the time I was a struggling twentysomething. Relatively speaking. But it was an idyllic time compared with with journey in TV shows like Girls. Which my teenage daughter assures me has no basis in reality. How she would reach that conclusion, I’d rather not ponder. But I digress.

I was very specific in setting my goals. Get an advanced degree. Change careers. Meet and marry a wonderful partner. Have two children, a girl and a boy. Buy a house in a specific zip code. Become a vice president of corporate communications. Be active in the community. Have a family dog.

And the surprising – or maybe not so surprising – thing is that almost everything on the list came to be. And almost exactly as I had set forth. Or imagined. Or dreamed.

Today is my 22nd wedding anniversary. My husband and I had breakfast at a restaurant near the beach, along with our daughter and our son. They were even born in the exact order as I’d written down, years ago.

We dined outdoors, so our dog joined us. He was actually a later addition to our family than originally planned. About 5 years ago, we visited with a number of rescue dogs, and Kincaid jumped into our daughter’s lap. He chose us. It wasn’t until we brought him home that I realized he exactly fit the vision of the labrador that I’d imagined.

When I first wanted to change careers into corporate communications, I faced a lot of rejection. While my husband and I were on our honeymoon, the hiring manager for one of the jobs I’d interviewed for had made his decision. Unfortunately, it wasn’t me.

But less than a year later I finally landed that first job. And I finished my master’s degree a few months after that.

As it turned out, my marriage and my future employer launched in the same year. It wasn’t until a few years later, though, that I joined DIRECTV. A few years after that, I participated in a life-changing leadership development program through the Center for Creative Leadership.

We were each assigned an executive coach. I lucked out with a great one, whom I worked with for several years. I’m still haunted by her question when I told her my career goal was to become a VP of corporate communications. Her question? Why didn’t I want to be CEO?

Fast forwarding to a few years ago, as VP of corporate communications at DIRECTV, I found myself in the auditorium of Jordan High School in Los Angeles. Oprah Winfrey surprised students and some of our employees at an assembly as part of a DIRECTV day of service at the school.

Once everyone had settled down after the ecstatic surprise of Oprah making an appearance, she asked who could cite Newton’s third law of physics.

If you don’t remember your high school physics, as I didn’t that day, here it is. For every action, there is an an equal and opposite reaction. For every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction. Oprah repeated this several times.

And she shared with these high school students, every action you take in life will have an equal and opposite reaction. She talked about being an elementary school student and turning in an assignment early to see how her teachers would respond. She quickly learned that it earned her a reputation as a top student.

Of course, this was lost on my own children when I tried to recount the story and the lesson. Their teachers, they informed me solemnly, would not accept assignments early.

I thought about the Jordan High School students telling their kids a few decades from now about their visit with Oprah and how it had changed their lives.

Without saying it directly – or at least not that I remember – Oprah was inspiring these kids through her own example to aim high. Dream big. And work for it. If they can imagine it, they can do it.

And now that my two children are in high school, it’s odd and unexpected that I feel like I’m in my 20s again. Once again I’m trying to figure out what I want to do with the rest of my life. There’s that same feeling of forming ideas and options, trying out new selves, and giving myself permission to dream again. Wondering if it will all work out. And how.

A few years ago I was fortunate to join the Wall Street Journal’s Women in the Economy event. BET Networks CEO Debra Lee had an insightful question during one of the breakout sessions. What we are as a nation doing to tap the extensive expertise and energy of women whose children have grown and launched their own lives?

What I’ve learned from the first 20-year journey is that whatever you dream, imagine and work for will come to pass. So set your sights high. And then bump them up even further. Look for opportunities to help other people. Give back wherever and whenever you can.

This is advice I’m taking to heart as I plan the next 20-year journey. I also intend to enjoy it more, confident that much of it will happen. And there will be some amazing experiences along the way.

What’s on your 20-year journey?

Just One Thing


Do you feel deluged with data every day? Overwhelmed with emails, texts, posts and pings? How do you sift through it? How do you make sense of it all?

Often I’ll start reading through a new piece of research, trying to take it all in, absorb it and synthesize it. But in the end it seems that nothing truly stands out.

The alternate approach works better. What is it? It’s being on the lookout for the one key takeaway from whatever it is I’m reading. Or doing. Or observing.

What’s the headline? What’s the tweet? What’s the snap? What’s the one thing I’d share with someone else?

Daniel Pink made this easy in his book Drive: The Surprising Truth About What Motivates Us. It has a Twitter summary – “Carrots & sticks are so last century. Drive says for 21st century work, we need to upgrade to autonomy, mastery & purpose.”

One of my great bosses, Leigh Anne Nanci, had the perfect mantra for going to professional conferences. Instead of trying to remember and act on everything, she advised identifying the one change you’d make as a result of attending.

And in the now-classic film City Slickers, there’s the moment when Jack Palance tells Billy Crystal that the secret to life is “just one thing.” And we each have to figure it out ourselves.

What’s your one thing?

Just Say Yes


This post is based on my inspiration at the April meeting of the Palos Verdes Chapter of National Charity League.

As parents, we spend a lot of time saying no. Right? Especially to our kids.

  • No, you can’t stay up all night.
  • No, you can’t miss school today because you didn’t finish your homework.
  • No, you can’t have friends over while I’m not home.

And we often say no to ourselves.

  • No, I can’t take time for myself.
  • No, I’d never be good at painting, dancing or other fill-in-the-blank activity
  • No, I can’t pursue my dreams while my kids are growing up.

But what if we paused and asked ourselves if there was a way we could say yes?

In my daughter’s freshman year in high school, she texted me the day before Halloween.

“Mom,” it read, “can I dye my hair for Halloween?”

Whaaaat? Visions of neon colors flashed across my eyes. And not in a good way.

I took a deep breath. And another. Then I responded. “What color?” I asked. The reply? “Brown. And it’s semi-permanent, so it’ll rinse out.”

What a relief. This was something I could say “yes” to. In these high school years, I’ve looked for times I can say yes. Then when I have to say no, my daughter won’t be able to say, “but you always say no.” Or, “you never say yes.”

In fact, “You never say yes to anything” was the catalyst for BIG changes in the life of Shonda Rhimes. She’s the creator, writer and producer of hit TV shows including Grey’s Anatomy and Scandal.

One Thanksgiving, as Shonda mentioned yet another invitation she’d declined, her sister muttered, “you never say yes to anything.”

Thus began Shonda’s “year of yes.” She decided for a whole year, she would say yes to anything that scared her.

Some of her invitations aren’t things that would happen to us – or at least not to me. Being the commencement speaker at Dartmouth. Going on the Jimmy Kimmel show. Joining Oprah for Super Soul Sunday. Losing 127 pounds!

But others very much speak to our lives. She decided whenever one of her 3 daughters asked her to play, she’d stop whatever she was doing and she would play.

She says after 15 minutes, your kids have had enough playtime, so you can go back to what you were doing. When she had this epiphany, she was in a ball gown about to head to a TV awards show. But she sat down, and she played.

Her TED talk explores the life-changing experience of play in her “year of yes.”

Here’s what she wrote about happiness.

“We believe happiness lies in following the same list of rules. In being more like everyone else. That? Is wrong. There is no list of rules. There is one rule. The rule is: there are no rules.

Happiness comes from living as you need to, as you want to. As your inner voice tells you to. Happiness comes from being who you actually are instead of who you think you are supposed to be. Don’t apologize. Don’t explain. Don’t ever feel less than.

When you feel the need to apologize or explain who you are, it means the voice in your head is telling you the wrong story. Wipe the slate clean. And rewrite it.

No fairy tales. Be your own narrator. And go for a happy ending. One foot in front of the other. You will make it.”

In closing, what will you say yes to today?