Don’t Apply for Stuff

Don’t apply for stuff. 🚫

Students and colleagues give me a puzzled look when I share that advice.

How are you supposed to get jobs and grow careers without applying?

Applying for stuff:

🔴 Rarely leads to anything good
🔴 Often involves being ghosted or rejected
🔴 Gives a false sense of taking action that will lead to desired outcomes

What works instead?

✅ Getting to know people and being of service
✅ Building a network of colleagues who encourage and help each other
✅ Creating a reputation – a personal brand – for delivering value

A few examples …

In a career change, I applied for multiple jobs in corporate communications in my organization. Initially, I got rejections. Then I met people on the team through professional associations. They helped me get interviews. But I was often the number-two candidate, without an offer. Finally, I interviewed for a job and hit it off with the hiring manager. The role wasn’t right, but we kept in touch. Two months later, he reached out. A senior writer had resigned. Was I interested in the job? Um, yes! More interviews ensued. They wanted to make me an offer, but I hadn’t applied for the job. So I quickly did.

In leaping from the corporate to entrepreneurial world, I wanted to teach as a focus area. My start was serendipitous. A colleague from a volunteer board was a department director at a local college. He asked if I was interested in designing and teaching a new class in digital marketing. Um, yes! It was a blast. Later, I wanted to move to a larger university. I reached out to people in my network to chat about opportunities. While the conversations were friendly, they didn’t lead anywhere. One referral seemed hostile and uninterested in connecting, so I decided not to push it. A few months later, I got an email introduction. It was someone at the university who knew me from my alumni volunteer work and corporate social media work. A department head asked her for adjunct professor recommendations in digital and social media. My contact recommended me. After several conversations and guest speaking, I was invited to start teaching. Oh, and I had to apply after that.

More recently, I applied for an intriguing part-time contract role. It was complimentary to my current portfolio of clients and focus on coaching, consulting, speaking, and teaching. I thought I met or exceeded the key criteria. I excitedly applied online. Two days later, the rejection email arrived. I reflected on what went wrong. Because I thought my experience was a strong match with the requirements, I didn’t reach out to people for advice. This is a mistake I will not repeat.

So, stop applying for stuff. Instead, nurture your network. Help people. Let them know how they can help you. Do great work and tell people about it in the spirit of serving others.

How have you landed new opportunities?


How Will You Make the Most of the Second Half of the Year?

It’s the middle of the year and a long holiday weekend. 🇺🇸 What better time to reflect on where you are and where you want to go?

Here are 7 reflection questions to supercharge the rest of your year …

👉 What are you proud of so far this year?

👉 How are you performing on the annual goals you set?

👉 What’s working well?

👉 What would you like to do better?

👉 What are you excited about?

👉 What’s one action that would increase your leadership impact?

👉 How can you make the most of second half of the year?

Sometimes it’s all too easy to focus on what’s NOT working well. That’s how our brains work. We go right to the negative. (And this week’s news cycle certainly lends itself to that.)

Yet when you take the time to reflect on what you’re proud of, it’s easier to see how much progress you HAVE made.

And what you’re EXCITED about is what gives you energy.

That energy is so necessary to navigate daily challenges, bounce back from rejection, and keep going toward your biggest and most exciting goals.

How will you make the most of the second half of the year?

Get Your Social Media Success Workbook, newly updated with a LinkedIn profile checklist

Get your Social Media Success Roadmap workbook, newly updated for 2023!

You’ll find 50 questions, actions, and ideas to build and Cover of Your Social Media Success Roadmap Workbookboost your career through social media.

The workbook now includes a LinkedIn profile checklist, to make the most of your digital presence and help people find YOU.

It’s a companion piece of my book, What Successful People Do on Social Media: A Short Guide to Boosting Your Career (available on Amazon).

Here’s to your success![Download not found]